Merry Christmas!
We’re taking a little break from the Children Home Rules for Christmas.
I love this time of year!
Maybe I should clarify because I’m not a fan of the cold weather, snow, or people who seem to have forgotten how to drive in inclement weather.
I’m a big fan of the Christmas season. I would say that Christmas is the thing that makes the winter weather tolerable. As my wife would say, I only want snow on Christmas day and then only as long as it melts by the next day.
I’m kidding (mostly), but it’s the time of year where it seems that everyone has an air of positivity around them. No matter what seems to be going on around us in the world, Christmas brings out hope for a better place and better people.
Not everyone celebrates the religious holiday of Christmas, but I would argue that no matter what race, color or creed you are, the Christmas season brings about a different feeling than the rest of the year.
Maybe it’s because the year is almost over and it’s a great time to celebrate the exit of one year into the next. Maybe it’s because the season of Christmas promotes giving and the great feelings we experience when we are compassionate to a greater than normal level. Maybe it’s because Christmas is that religious holiday that holds a lot of significance for us. When does the Christmas season start for you?
It can be confusing because it seems that Walmart has Christmas stuff up right after 4th of July. They definitely plan ahead.
For many, Thanksgiving is the entry point into the Christmas Season. Usually Black Friday is the kickoff. For others, the realization doesn’t sink in until they hear the Salvation Army bell ringers out in force.
Whenever the Christmas season started for you, I hope you embrace it as best you can. Especially looking back at the past year.
Even if you aren’t able to physically be with loved ones this Christmas, my hope is that the Christmas season fills your heart with hope and your mind with peace.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Photo Credit: Deagreez